ComPsych Webinar: Happiness: A Key to Life’s Satisfaction

Why do some people seem happy and others just seem miserable all the time? Science suggests that each person has a range in their capacity to experience happiness and that range is different for each person. However, it is possible to live our lives in the upper end of that range if we apply ourselves […]

ComPsych Webinar: Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is rampant in today’s business world. Pushing important tasks and projects off until later can cause emotional anguish and keep you from accomplishing professional and personal goals. This workshop will provide you with techniques and strategies to overcome procrastination in your work and personal life.   Register for March 31 Webinar   Earn 50 […]

ComPsych Webinar: 10 Strategies for Improving Your Finances

The current economic climate brings both challenges and opportunities from a financial perspective. You may wonder during these challenging times: “What should I be most careful about” and “What should my family and I work towards?” The 10 financial tips discussed in this workshop will get you on the road to financial well-being during challenging […]

ComPsych Webinar: Mental Health Awareness

At one time or another, everyone experiences symptoms of mental illness. Too frequently the response to such symptoms in the workplace is confusion, fear, judgement, avoidance and outright rejection. This leads to a worsening of symptoms and a deterioration of performance. This training is designed to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and to […]

MoveSpring Enrollment and Registration for the June Movement Challenge Begins!

Enroll in MoveSpring May 11th-May 31 and register for the June Movement Challenge!   For instructions on how to enroll in MoveSpring and register for the June Movement Challenge, see the June Movement Challenge blog post.   If you have any questions regarding MoveSpring, you can reach out to MoveSpring support via e-mail at […]

ComPsych Webinar: The Impact of a Difficult Childhood on Your Adult Life

Childhood experiences teach us how to navigate relationships and manage stress, and greatly impact our self-esteem. We don’t get to choose our childhood story, but we can choose to author the rest of our story. In this seminar we will discuss ways our childhood has a lasting impact on us and examine ways to escape […]

ComPsych Webinar: Learning to Relax

Stress is experienced in the body as tension. To manage stresswe have several choices: reduce or eliminate the stressor, think about the stressor differently so it no longer causes tension or change the way our body reacts to stress. The course will address the third option through exploring a variety of relaxation techniques to calm […]

It’s the first day of B-W’s first ever MoveSpring challenge! Get moving with the June Movement Challenge!

Still interested in enrolling in MoveSpring and registering for the June Movement Challenge? It's not too late! Follow the enrollment and registration instructions and get moving today!   If you have any questions regarding MoveSpring, you can reach out to MoveSpring support via e-mail at You may also e-mail with any questions pertaining to the MoveSpring […]

How are your steps coming along? We’re halfway through the June Movement Challenge!

Whether you're getting your steps through a linked device, manually adding your activities or converting your activities, it all counts in MoveSpring! Make sure to open your MoveSpring app every day to sync your device or manually add or convert your activities. The leaderboard will stay as up to date as possible if everyone tracks […]

ComPsych Webinar: Managing Worry and Anxiety

Worries are thoughts we have about the future that generate fear. They arrive in the form of a “what if?” and generate dire warning about terrible consequences that await us. Chronic worry that beings to impact the quality of life becomes “anxiety” and well-intended suggestions to “stop worrying” or applying common stress management techniques are […]

That’s a wrap! It’s the last day of the June Movement Challenge!

Make sure to open the MoveSpring app to sync your device one last time or manually add or convert any activities you completed over the last week to ensure that all of your hard work counts toward your team's steps total. The winner of the challenge will be announced on Wednesday, July 6.   If […]

ComPsych Webinar: Understanding Depression

Many people still believe that the emotional symptoms caused by depression are “not real,” and that a person should be able to shake off the symptoms. As a result, many people with a depressive illness never seek treatment. But the vast majority can get better with treatment. This workshop will identify the symptoms associated with […]